草图大师 SketchUp
SketchUp 是一款面向建筑师、城市规划专家、制片人、游戏开发者以及相关专业人员的 3D 建模软件。SketchUp 直接面向设计方案创作过程,能够充分表达设计师的思想、满足与客户即时交流的需要,它使得设计师可以直接在电脑上进行十分直观的构思,是三维建筑设计方案创作的优秀工具。
如今,SketchUp 已成为一个极受欢迎并且易于使用的三维设计软件,官方网站将它比喻作电子设计中的“铅笔”。与其他三维 CAD 软件相比,它的主要卖点就是使用直观易用、人人都可以快速上手。并且,用户可以将使用 SketchUp 创建的 3D 模型直接输出至 Google Earth 里。
SketchUp 最初由 Last Software 公司在 2000 年发行,2006 年 Google 被其为 Google Earth 开发的插件所吸引,收购了 Last Software 公司。2012 年 Trimble(天宝)公司从谷歌手中收购 SketchUp。
针对个人用户和教学,SketchUp 提供了 Web 免费版本,虽然免费版本并不如般 SketchUp Pro 强大,但它可上传模型至 Google Earth 和 Google 3D Warehouse(SketchUp 创建的模型的仓库)。
SolidWorks 是达索系统(Dassault Systemes S.A.)旗下的 SolidWorks 公司开发的,运行在微软 Windows 平台下的三维机械 CAD 软件。SolidWorks 提供了无与伦比的、基于特征的实体建模功能,可以通过拉伸、旋转、薄壁特征、高级抽壳、特征阵列以及打孔等操作来实现产品的设计。
Cinema 4D
Cinema 4D(简称 C4D)是一套由德国公司 Maxon Computer 开发的三维绘图软件,以其高的运算速度和强大的渲染外挂著称。Cinema 4D 应用广泛,在广告、电影、工业设计、等方面都有出色的表现,例如影片《毁灭战士》、《范海辛》、《蜘蛛侠》、以及动画片《极地特快》、《丛林大反攻》等等。
Fusion 360
Fusion 360 是 Autodesk 推出的一款整合工业设计、机械设计和数字加工的 3D 建模软件,同时也是全球第一款基于云端协作的 CAD、CAE、CAM 以及 Project Management 的产品创作平台。使用 Fusion 360,用户不仅可以随时随地进行设计和仿真,还可以即时与世界各地的合作厂商进行实时检查和沟通。
Blender 是一款系统全面的 3D 建模套件,它提供了大量专业级功能和模块,跨平台支持所有的主要操作系统。目前并已成为免费 3D 软件的代名词。
Blender 通常被称为 TheBlenderProject,因为它不仅仅是一个软件,还是一个完整的社区,致力于创建最完整的 3D 建模和动画开发方案。并且这款软件是开源的,每天都有开发者提供新的模块和插件,软件也在不断更新。功能非常强大,但是上手比较难;一旦学会了,用起来就会非常方便。
FreeCAD 是来自法国 Matra Datavision 公司的一款开源免费的参数化 3D 建模软件,基于 CAD/CAM/CAE 几何模型核心,是一个功能化、参数化的建模工具。FreeCAD 的直接用户目标是机械工程、产品设计,当然也适合工程行业内的其他广大用户,比如建筑或者其他特殊工程行业。
FreeCAD 是跨平台的,可以运行在 Windows、Mac OS 和 Linux 系统。
Wings 3D
Wings 3D 是一个开源免费的 3D 建模软件,适合创建细分曲面模型。容易学习,功能强大。Wings 3D 的名字来源于它用于存储坐标系和临近数据所使用的翼边数据结构。支持多种操作系统,包括 Linux、Mac 和 Windows。
OpenSCAD 是一款基于命令行的 3D 建模软件,可以产生 CSG 文件,特长是制作实心 3D 模型。支持跨平台操作系统, 包括 Linux、Mac 和 Windows。
Daz Studio
A powerful and free 3D creation software, Daz Studio may not prove easy for beginners to use, but it does offer a feature- and functionality-rich user experience nonetheless. It enables you to create amazing 3D art with GPU-accelerated real-time rendering and photorealistic results.
Along with providing various features of Wings 3D, it also supports animation as well as scene buildings.
Supported Platforms: Windows and macOS
3DReshaper is an affordable and easy to use 3D-modeling software dedicated to the processing of 3D models.
It can be used in various fields such as arts, mining, civil engineering, and ship-building. It comes with support for various scripts and textures, and packs in lots of features for easy modeling.
Supported Platform: Windows
Creo is a comprehensive system for mechanical engineers and model designers who create products using the direct modeling approach of 3D CAD. Direct modeling allows the creation of designs by existing designs or fresh ideas.
Hence, the changes to the geometry of an object can be made quickly and easily. This is a premium program but there is a 30-day free trial, and a free version for students and teachers.
Supported Platforms: Free Trial for Windows
NaroCAD is a full-fledged and extensible CAD modeling application. It is based on the OpenCascade technology, and supports both Windows and Linux platforms.
It supports both basic and advance 3D modeling operations, and can be extended through plugins and programming interface.
Supported Platform: Windows
Providing a design worksheet, DesignSpark allows the production of highly detailed 3D designs. It promises easy features to remove bottlenecks by making amendments and additions to your design as well as changing product concepts in 3D quickly.
It also supports direct modeling technique as well as 3D printing your models.
Supported Platform: Windows
Sculptris provides an excellent gateway into the exciting world of 3D. Its features are easy to learn, navigate and use, even for someone with no experience in digital art or modeling.
It helps take geometry concerns out of the design process, and will dynamically divide the model, better handling your computer’s resources.
Supported Platforms: Windows and macOS
MeshMagic 3D
MeshMagic 3D helps in creating 3D rendering files, and drawing 2D objects or extending them to 3D. It’s an easy and intuitive 3D design software for users of multiple fields.
Although it currently supports only Windows, it allows the output file to be saved in the popular STL format, which can be opened and edited in various online and offline 3D-modeling tools.
Supported Platform: Windows
Open Cascade
Open Cascade is a software development kit (SDK) intended for development of applications dealing with 3D CAD data.
It includes the special, community-developed C++ class libraries that provide services for 3D surface and modeling, data visualization and exchange and rapid application development.
Supported Platforms: multiple desktop and mobile platforms.