

随着自由与开源软件运动的繁荣发展,全球各地诞生了许多非营利和慈善组织支持开源软件运动,例如我们经常听到的自由软件基金会、Linux 基金会、Apache 基金会、Eclipse 基金会等等。在这篇文章中,我们收录了一些比较知名或常见的开源组织和基金会,作为开源软件爱好者或从业者,我们认为你应该了解它们。


自由软件基金会(Free Software Foundation,简称 FSF)是一个致力于推广自由软件的美国民间非营利性组织。它于1985年10月由理查德·斯托曼(Richard Matthew Stallman)建立。其主要工作是执行 GNU 计划,开发更多的自由软件。

Linux 基金会

Linux 基金会(Linux Foundation)成立于 2000 年,目的是赞助 Linux 创建者 Linus Torvalds 的工作,并得到世界各地领先技术公司和开发人员的支持。一直以来,Linux 基金会都是一个致力于促进 Linux 发展的非营利性联盟。

Apache 软件基金会

Apache 软件基金会(Apache Software Foundation,简称 ASF)是专门为支持开源软件项目而办的一个非盈利性组织。在它所支持的 Apache 项目与子项目中,所发行的软件产品都遵循 Apache 许可证(Apache License)。

Eclipse 基金会

Eclipse 基金会(Eclipse Foundation)拥有一个庞大的开源社区,拥有数百个开源项目、近 1,400 名提交者成员以及 8 个协作工作组,包括物联网、LocationTech 和 Science。该基金会提供了一系列服务和最佳实践,以实现开源技术上供应商中立的协作。


云原生计算基金会(Cloud Native Computing Foundation,简称 CNCF)成立于2015年7月21日(于美国波特兰 OSCON 2015 上宣布),其最初的口号是“坚持和整合开源技术来让编排容器作为微服务架构的一部分”,致力于培育和维护一个厂商中立的开源生态系统,来推广云原生技术。

CNCF 作为一个厂商中立的基金会,致力于 Github 上的快速成长的开源技术的推广,如 Kubernetes、Prometheus、Envoy 等,帮助开发人员更快更好的构建出色的产品。CNCF 维护了一个全景图项目,详见 GitHub


开放原子开源基金会(OpenAtom Foundation)是致力于推动全球开源事业发展的非营利机构,于2020年6月在北京成立,由阿里巴巴、百度、华为、浪潮、360、腾讯、招商银行等多家龙头科技企业联合发起。开放原子开源基金会本着以开发者为本的开源项目孵化平台、科技公益性服务机构的定位,遵循共建、共治、共享原则,系统性打造开源开放框架,搭建国际开源社区,提升行业协作效率,赋能千行百业。


AtomGit 是开放原子开源基金会旗下的具有自主核心技术的开源代码托管平台,为开源软件、开源硬件、开源芯片等各类开源项目提供基于 Git 协议的源码托管服务,推动创新资源共建共享。

Digital Freedom Foundation

Digital Freedom Foundation sponsors annual events to promote free software, hardware, and content. Its events are Software Freedom Day, Document Freedom Day, Hardware Freedom Day, and Education Freedom Day.

The Document Foundation

The Document Foundation is the home of the LibreOffice free and open source office suite. It is an independent, self-governing, meritocratic entity, created by former leaders of the OpenOffice.org Community, in the form of a charitable foundation under German law (gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts).

Drupal Association

The Drupal Association fosters and supports the Drupal content management software project. It helps the Drupal community with funding, infrastructure, education, promotion, distribution, and online collaboration.

Free Software Foundation

The Free Software Foundation's (FSF) mission is to defend computer users' freedom and rights. It promotes the "development and use of free (as in freedom) software and documentation" and campaigns against digital rights management, software patents, and other threats to computer user freedom.

GNOME Foundation

The GNOME Foundation is a nonprofit organization that supports the GNOME project and its contributors. The foundation provides resources and infrastructure, steers releases, determines what software is part of the project, and acts as the project's public face and voice.

KDE e.V.

KDE eingetragener Verein (German for "registered association") is a nonprofit organization that represents the open source KDE Project in legal and financial matters. It holds the KDE trademark and other property for the KDE community, as well as organizing events and generating sponsorships to support KDE development.

Linux Professional Institute

Founded in 1999, Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is a Canadian nonprofit organization that advocates for and assists in the professional use of Linux, open source, and free software. Its purpose is to "enable economic and creative opportunities for everybody by making open source knowledge and skills certification universally accessible."

Mozilla Foundation

The Mozilla Foundation is dedicated to the idea that the internet must always remain an open and accessible global public resource for everyone. Operating as a social enterprise, the foundation is the sole shareholder in the Mozilla Corporation, which makes the Firefox browser software and other open source tools.


OASIS Open is where individuals, organizations, and governments come together to solve some of the world’s biggest technical challenges through the development of open code and open standards.

Open Bioinformatics Foundation

The Open Bioinformatics Foundation advocates for open source software within the biological research community. Among its activities, it supports conferences, runs hackathons, and participates in the Google Summer of Code.

Open Education Consortium

The Open Education Consortium is a worldwide community of hundreds of universities and associated organizations that advocates for the free and open digital publication of high quality university‐level educational materials to improve educational access and effectiveness.

Open Source Automation Development Lab

The Open Source Automation Development Lab (OSADL) is a Germany-based worldwide organization that supports open source software in the machine, machine tool, and automation industries. OSADL coordinates the development and financing of open source industrial projects on behalf of its member organizations.

Open Source Geospatial Foundation

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) supports collaborative development of open source geospatial software. Major GIS-related software projects are involved in the organization; furthermore it provides financial, organizational, and legal support to the open source GIS community.

Open Source For America

Open Source for America (OSFA) seeks to educate decision makers in the U.S. federal government about the benefits of free and open source software. OSFA encourages government use of open source software and serve as a voice for the open source community to the federal government.

Open Source Matters

Open Source Matters (OSM) is a nonprofit organization, incorporated in the United States, created to serve the financial and legal interests of the Joomla project. OSM engages in regular self-assessment to ensure it is accountable to Joomla and acting in Joomla's interest.

Open Source Initiative

The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is a nonprofit corporation formed to advocate for the benefits of open source and build bridges across the open source community. It maintains the Open Source Definition and approves OCD-conformant licenses.

OpenStack Foundation

The OpenStack Foundation promotes the global development, distribution, and adoption of the OpenStack cloud operating system. As the global independent home for OpenStack, the foundation serves more than 60,000 individual members from over 180 countries around the world.

Oregon State University (OSU) Open Source Lab

The Oregon State University Open Source Lab is the home of growing, high-impact open source communities. It hosts more than 160 open source projects, including those of open source leaders including the Apache Software Foundation, the Linux Foundation, and the Drupal content management system.

Software Freedom Conservancy

The Software Freedom Conservancy is a nonprofit organization that promotes, improves, develops, and defends free, libre, and open source software (FLOSS) projects. By providing infrastructure and non-development support services, the organization enables FLOSS developers to focus on their projects.

Software Freedom Law Center

The Software Freedom Law Center provides free legal services to free and open source projects, including licensing, copyrights, patents, trademarks, and nonprofit governance, as well as education, consulting, and training.

Software in the Public Interest

Software in the Public Interest (SPI) is a nonprofit organization that handles non-technical administrative tasks for select open source projects so their developers can focus on developing and distributing open hardware and software.


FOSSASIA 是帮助自由和开源技术开发者和 Maker(创客或制客)的非营利组织。 它由 Hong Phuc Dang 和 Mario Behling 成立。FOSSASIA 的目的是发展和套用开源技术以配合社会转变,并把重点放在亚洲用户。FOSSASIA 峰会在每年农历新年后一个月举行。

Dromara 开源社区

Dromara 是由国内顶尖的开源项目作者共同组成的开源社区。提供包括分布式事务、流行工具、企业级认证、微服务 RPC、运维监控、Agent 监控、分布式日志、调度编排等一系列开源产品、解决方案与咨询、技术支持与培训认证服务。

根据2023年数据,Dromara 社区项目全球贡献者 Contributors 500 多人,社区成员 49 人,社区委员会成员 30 人,成员来自多所互联网公司和中小企业团队。Dromara 开源社区目前拥有 10 多个 GVP 项目,总 star 数量超过十万,构建了上万人的开源社区,有成千上万的个人及团队在使用 Dromara 社区的开源项目。